Vein Solutions is a centre of excellence in the comprehensive evaluation and treatment of vein disorders.
Medical aid rates - and covered by most medical aids.
About Our Vein Solutions Walk-in Walk-out Clinics
To treat venous reflux we offer:
our extensive experience
the very latest minimally invasive technology
treatment in our surgical rooms, on an outpatient basis
negligible pain and faster healing
return to work in days instead of weeks
a new technique to heal venous ulcers
the latest technology in the treatment of Pelvic Congestion Syndrome (chronic pelvic pain)
Services We Provide
To determine if a venous problem exists, a comprehensive evaluation is performed through an in-depth medical history and a physical examination by an experienced specialist surgeon. In addition, an extensive ultrasound study is performed by a registered sonographer to help determine the diagnosis. At Vein Solutions, the physician and patient mutually discuss the findings to determine the best treatment plan for the problem.
We are experienced in all vein treatment modalities and are able to recommend the best for the individual. These procedures are performed daily, in a patient-friendly environment and usually in less than an hour. Almost all procedures are done under local anaesthesia, thereby reducing risk and increasing convenience for the patient. Most patients resume normal activities within 24 hours and return to work in days instead of weeks.
Dr Gideon van Wyk
B.Sc (UJ), MBChB (UP), M.MED (Surg)(US)
Dr Gideon van Wyk has a profound understanding of the relationship between veins and the body’s overall circulation. He utilizes his unique knowledge, perspective, and experience of over 16 years, to provide the best overall medical treatment for his patients. Vein Solutions features minimally invasive treatments that provide immediate and long term results.
Dr van Wyk is a member of the American College of Phlebology, which is the leading resource for vein care physicians, health professionals, and patients. He is also a specialist surgeon and consultant at the Surgical Department of the University of Pretoria.